
学位可以打开通往各种机会和不同职业道路的大门. CTU提供的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪不一定会导致特色职业. This collection of articles is intended to help inform and guide you through the process of determining which level of degree and types of certifications align with your desired career path.

学生 who study business administration have the opportunity to develop core skills across a wide variety of subjects including accounting, 金融, 项目管理, 信息技术, 人力资源, 市场营销, 国际业务, 物流与组织行为学. 这些能力是足够灵活的, 毕业后, 各种领域的工作机会都有. 据博士说. Tony Lyons,工商管理学院院长 & 科罗拉多技术大学(CTU)博士研究, “学生们可能会选择工商管理,因为他们认为自己想成为一名经理, 但他们可能会学到的是,工商管理有很多的多样性.”

雇主也会欣赏工商管理学位的多功能性. A 2016 study released by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) revealed that of the top degrees employers were seeking, 工商管理和管理学位被认为是最具吸引力的. 近51%的受访雇主有意聘用这些商科本科生.1


业务 professionals should have a good mix of “hard” and “soft” skills because the business environment is ever-changing. 清晰的沟通和有效的解决冲突等技能可能是重要的特质. 雇主们更看重那些能与他人良好合作的人, 当问题出现时就解决, 缓解冲突. 也, 技术人才的需求量仍然很大, 因此,以有效的方式交流复杂思想的能力是必不可少的.2

较强的分析能力可以帮助学生为商业生涯做好准备. A great deal of time may be spent understanding the cause and effect between different functions within an organization. 除了, analytics can help a businessperson target a larger customer base through identifying demographics and offer support projections.2

最后, 商务人士应该有很强的领导能力和管理多样化环境的能力. 随着多代商业团队的成长, 理解和管理多样性的能力日益重要. 例如,千禧一代可能与婴儿潮一代有不同的沟通方式. 一个有效的领导者应该能够利用这种多样性, 弥合差距, 并有助于激励和促进员工之间的合作.2


通过学习商业理论和最佳商业实践, 学生可以发展关键技能, including analyzing business problems by using and applying data to create solutions to support an organization’s objectives.

不同程度的选择提供基础或高级商业知识. 工商管理学位包括:


An 联系 of Science in 工商管理 (ASBA) is designed to help students cultivate a solid understanding of the core competencies of business law, 人力资源, 市场营销等. 这个学位可以帮助学生准备在目前的工作中迈出下一步,甚至探索新的职业.

联系’s degree curriculums are intended to help potential business professionals prepare for a career in many industries by concentrating on core business principles such as critical thinking, 沟通和决策. ASBA项目的学生可以培养在苛刻的就业市场竞争所需的实践知识.

ASBA是获得学士学位的第一步. Some colleges and universities may have policies to determine if students can apply credits earned in an associate-level program toward the completion of a bachelor’s degree in business administration or a related field of study.


A 本科 of Science in 工商管理 (BSBA) provides students with important and useful skills to help them prepare for a business career. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited program may provide students with the opportunity to develop proficiency in business management principles and apply business skills and analytical problem-solving to support company objectives.

学士学位的学生可能会研究如何在当今日益全球化的工作场所领导一个多元化的团队. 除了, 学生有机会为广泛的商业行业做准备, 从大公司和政府机构到小企业和非营利组织. 类似于副学士学位帮助学生为学士学位做准备, BSBA可以帮助学生准备接受硕士课程的挑战.


A 主 of 工商管理 (MBA) degree is designed for students looking to expand their knowledge in the field of business. 拥有MBA学位, a potential business professional has the opportunity to improve competency across all business functions including 国际业务, 战略营销, 运营管理, 组织发展, 改变管理和财务.

硕士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪的教师可以体验和沉浸在他们的领域. 这些指导员可能熟悉相关的趋势, biggest challenges and emerging 理论 in business and infuse this practical knowledge into their courses and lectures. 结果是, 学生有机会发展他们可以付诸实践的现实世界的知识. 硕士生可能有机会展示他们的领导能力, 进一步发展风险管理和分析技能, 实践数据驱动的决策.

攻读商学硕士学位的学生可以在各种专业中选择一个特定的专业, 比如金融, 项目管理或人力资源管理. These concentrations are built to enhance a student’s general knowledge of a subject as it pertains to their business degree focus.

学生 may also choose to further enhance the skill sets they develop in their master’s degree programs by pursuing a doctoral degree. Some colleges and universities may allow students to apply a master’s degree program credits toward the completion of a doctoral degree in business administration or a related field.


A Doctor of 工商管理 (DBA) may be for students seeking a challenging learning environment and may want to consult or conduct re搜索 and/or teach at the post-secondary level. Doctoral programs can offer business professionals the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of administration practices while focusing their expertise through re搜索 and writing. The coursework may be designed to enable students to become thought leaders and build on foundational practices with new and emerging 理论 related to their chosen disciplines. This degree is intended for those interested in business or taking on leadership roles or initiating change in an organization or industry.

DBA candidates may have the opportunity to develop unique problem-solving skills and degree requirements may include completing and defending a dissertation – a formal document that re搜索es and contributes to the body of knowledge in a specific field.


为商业生涯做准备可以发生在包括会计在内的任何领域, 市场营销, 信息技术(IT)和项目管理. 商业行业的一些职业包括:


管理顾问和管理分析师帮助公司提高业务效率. 他们分析盈利能力和收入等指标,并推荐解决方案. 核心职责可能包括面试人员和进行现场观察, 推荐新的系统或程序, 并与经理会面,以确保提议的改变奏效. 大多数管理顾问至少有学士学位, 但一些雇主可能更喜欢拥有MBA学位的求职者. 可以获得认证管理顾问(CMC)的称号,这可能会改善就业前景.3


金融分析师识别趋势并评估企业投资决策的风险. 他们通常精通评估当前和历史财务数据, 他们写报告提出投资建议. 许多金融分析师可以分为不同的类别. 买方分析师与机构投资者合作, 比如共同基金投资者, to create investment strategies for a portfolio of financial products; and sell-side analysts help securities dealers, 比如投资银行, 销售他们的产品. 大多数金融分析师职位需要学士学位, 但是对于高级职位, 雇主可能会要求硕士学位.4


市场调查分析师研究产品或服务在特定市场的销售潜力. The goal is to determine what products or services a company should offer and identify the best way to promote these products and services. 市场研究分析师收集竞争对手的信息, 定价, 销售, 营销和分销,并最终创建基于这项研究结果的营销活动. 这个专业通常需要市场研究学士学位, 统计数据, 工商管理或其他相关领域.5


U.S. 新闻 & World Report ranked 科罗拉多理工大学’s online bachelor degree programs among the Best 在线课程 for three consecutive years (2015 – 2017). Many of the business degree programs offered by CTU are ACBSP-accredited and are designed to reflect industry-relevant trends, 理论, 驱动成功的全球商业环境的应用程序和实践. 阅读更多有关CTU工商管理课程的信息.

1. 施特劳斯,卡斯滕. 2017年最佳就业学位.“福布斯. 检索自:http://www.《巴黎人澳门赌场在哪》.(访问日期:2017年9月19日).
2. Vozza,斯蒂芬妮. 《2016年你需要具备的八项职业技能.“快公司”. 检索自:http://www.制造.http://www.3055352/88career -skills-you-need-to-be-competitive-in-2016(访问日期:9/19/2017).
3. “管理分析师.” U.S. 劳工统计局. 检索自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/商业和金融/管理分析员.htm(2017年9月20日访问).
4. ”金融分析师.” U.S. 劳工统计局. 检索自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/商业和金融/金融分析师.htm(2017年9月20日访问).
5. 市场研究分析师.” U.S. 劳工统计局. 检索自:http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/商业和金融/ market-re搜索-analysts.htm(2017年9月20日访问).

关于教育债务的重要信息, 收益, 以及参加这个项目的学生的完成率, 去 jbbkvn.gis114.net/disclosures. CTU不能保证雇佣或工资. 并不是所有的项目都适用于所有州的居民. 符合条件的学生可以获得经济援助.
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